With advertising, of course. My reaction to this is: it seriously took you this long to think of doing this?. People have been getting TV free-with-advertising for how long, and it just occurred to you the same model could work on the web?
I swear, content industry executives are unique for their ability to be incompetent and remain in their positions. I guess I should applaud them for this move, but seriously… it’s like watching an adult learn to do basic addition.
And even with that said, they still don’t get it:
“In the future, consumers will rely more and more on strong brands to
help them navigate the digital world, and we have some of the strongest
brands in entertainment,” said Anne Sweeney, president of the
Disney-ABC television group. “Stay tuned … because this is just the
No, no and no. Your brand doesn’t mean jack shit on the internet. People rely on social networks to navigate the digital world, and you’ll either have good content for those networks to pick up on, or you’ll be left behind. You can’t rely on time slots to save a bad show, people won’t tune in because it fills the spot after Friends. You need content people will tell their friends about, not a brand.