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Google Trends

Yesterday Google released this incredibly nifty product called Google Trends, which gives you a peak into Google’s database and research the search popularity and history of certain terms. I’ve had a lot of geeky fun with it, but by far the most interesting thing is the trend for the search term sex. Particular the list of countries that the term is most popular in:

  1. Pakistan
  2. Egypt
  3. Vietnam
  4. Iran
  5. Morocco
  6. India
  7. Indonesia
  8. Saudi Arabia
  9. Turkey
  10. Poland

Similarly, the top language for the term:

  1. Arabic

It seems that there’s a pretty strong correlation between how sexually repressive a culture is and how much people go looking for it on the net. Not really surprising, but its interesting nonetheless.

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This entry was posted on Thursday, May 11th, 2006 at 2:34 pm by Eric and is filed under Technology, Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your site.

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